How to Prevent Employee Burnout
The impact of burnout on companies can be catastrophic.
You’ve probably observed it in your workplace with rising tension and resentment among employees, incredibly close to deadlines. Or sleepy workers who keep yawning because they had to forfeit resting to complete a considerable workload. As a result, companies are losing 300 billion dollars annually due to stress-related factors, according to the American Institute of Stress External factors such as family problems, rising crime rates, and politics can heighten stress levels. But managers hold a bigger responsibility in workplace stress.
In this post, we focus on how to prevent employee burnout.  But first, what causes burnout? 

Causes of Employee Burnout 

Some of the factors that lead to burnout include: 

Work Overload and Time Pressure 

Unmanageable workloads can take several forms. In one company, workers may complain about the long hours they have to work, while at another, the many tasks may make workers feel overwhelmed. Your employees perceive work as more important than the tasks or hours worked. Are they fit for the role? Do they have flexibility between in-office and remote work? Because if the work is impossible for them to do well or feels never-ending, they will dread coming to work. 

Unfair Treatment 

If employees perceive managers are showing favoritism, bias against some workers, or disproportionate company compensation policies, work is no longer meaningful. The workplace becomes toxic, and bonds that encourage productivity are broken. The stress levels among the workers significantly rise. 

Lack of Proper Communication 

Without information about expectations, employees will have difficulty carrying out their roles. Managers must explain their expectations and give reasonable timelines to complete the work. Feedback is also crucial in raising the morale of employees. Managers should discuss work with employees regularly and allow them to give input to avoid frustrations. 

Lack of Manager Support 

Work can be challenging, even on a typical day. But knowing your manager has your back puts employees at ease. The reverse is also true. If a manager is unsupportive, the employees are bound to be defensive and uninformed. 

Results of Employee Burnout 

Employee burnout is a significant problem at the personal or organizational level affecting your health, well-being, and work performance. As a result, the company, besides your mind and body, suffers.  The following statistics from Gallup put this into better perspective. Of all the workers suffering from burnout: 
An exhausted employee
  • 23% have a higher chance of visiting the ER. Symptoms of high blood pressure, heart disease, and respiratory conditions become more aggravated. Panic attacks and fatigue also increase. 
  • 63% have a higher likelihood of taking a sick day off. The company suffers as a result. 
  • Employee turnover increases as they are 2.6 times more likely to look for another position. 
  • Half of them will not discuss performance with you, while 13% are not convinced of their performance. 
In the past, organizations were more hands-off regarding employee feelings and well-being. But as it is today, workers are looking for employers and managers who are more in tune and show concern for their welfare. It is beneficial for a company to have checks in place to prevent employee burnout. 

Can Work Burnout Be Reversed? 

Yes, you can reverse burnout. You must take deliberate actions once you identify a problem because the longer you wait, the more the issue grows. Reversal can only happen when you deal with the root cause of the stress. Only by taking an internal look at yourself and reflecting will you recognize underlying issues that have led you to this point.  The journey to recovery is not instant but slow and requires a lot of patience. Sitting down with your supervisor or manager is necessary to prevent it from occurring again. 

How Can Managers Prevent Burnout? 

The following steps can help managers prevent or mitigate employee burnout: 

Reasonable Workload and Scheduling 

Managers should regularly evaluate the work assigned to each employee. However, work can occasionally spike. Never expect workers to sustain it for a long time. Check travel schedules, as they can lead to burnout. 

Encourage Work/Life Balance 

Communicate expectations and scheduling for each role when hiring. Managers need to lead by example, and they should observe work-life balance. Ensure they are exercising and spending time with family. Company policies can also promote it by letting workers go home early for the holidays and giving remote work options in case of scheduling conflicts. 

Insist on Vacation Time to Be Used 

Employees may fear they’ll be seen as replaceable if they use their vacation time. Verbally tell employees to use their vacation time. Regularly check to ensure vacation time is not expiring. 

Hold Walking Meetings 

They may not work for large groups, but small ones may benefit from the physical activity. Get out of the office and accomplish something while uplifting employees. 

Ensure Workplace Wellness 

During the most hectic period when work is at its highest, employees should take a mental health day to unwind. Also, provide space in the office where employees can have some personal time to meditate, pray, or even relax. Ensure the office is aesthetically appealing by incorporating decor items such as plants, pictures, and artwork. 

Management Training 

Managers carry the biggest responsibility for the majority of employee burnout in the workplace. A good manager equips workers with the correct information and tools to carry out their work. The opposite is also true. Bad managers only increase the stress levels experienced by workers. Investing in training gives managers employee training skills to ensure they don’t drive workers from your company. 


Managers should practice open communication ensuring employees receive timely information to help them carry out their duties. Good managers should also encourage feedback from employees. It can be valuable to the well-being of the organization and its workers. 

Chart Career Paths and Goals for Employees 

Employees become stressed when they don’t have an opportunity to advance their careers. But as a manager, if you show a clear advancement path, employees will no longer see challenges as obstacles but as stepping stones to a higher position and more significant responsibilities. As a result, workers are more engaged. 

Key Takeaways 

How do you prevent employee burnout? By training your managers. It is the first step in achieving a harmonious environment void of stress or, at the very least, reducing stress levels. Managers and companies should ensure employees have a positive experience in the workplace by taking the necessary measures to prevent employee burnout. As a result, productivity will not suffer, and you can reduce employee turnover.  At ScalePEO, we can help you manage all your HR, payroll compliance, and benefits to reduce stress levels. Contact us today to get started with our handy HR toolkit.

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